
The One Swimming Exercise That Will Give You Toned Legs

Yearning for those long, sexy legs but hating the gym that is overflowing with testosterone? Here is a 30 minutes swimming workout that will help you to burn those fats in the thighs and tone your legs!


100m Freestyle swims at 60-70% of your maximum speed. This is to help stretch and warm up your body for the main set.

Main Set
4 X 50m head up kicking (You have 2 minutes between each set of 50m. If you finish before 2 minutes, you get to rest until the 2 minutes is up before you start the next set. If you go beyond 2 minutes, you do not get to rest.)
4 X 50m head down kicking (Same set of timing as per the head up kicking)
6 sets of head down kicking (100% effort for 30 seconds, slow kicking for 30 seconds)

Cool Down
100m Freestyle swims at about 50% of your maximum speed. Try to stretch your arms and glide as much as possible to stretch and cool down your muscles.

Why this workout works

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, also known as afterburn, will help to increase your body’s metabolism rate for up to days after the workout. Afterburn is best achieved through anaerobic exercises, which are usually high intensity with short rest intervals. Anaerobic exercises ‘starve’ your body of oxygen, building up ‘oxygen debt’, which leads to the afterburn effect.

This workout will require you to have a water-resistant watch to take time and a kickboard. As with all exercises, if you want to see results, you will have to do the workout diligently. Strive to make time and do this workout 3 times a week. If you require our advice to modify this workout for you (e.g. 2 minutes is too long/short), leave a comment with your timings for 50m and we will recommend a modified workout for you!

Workout (Summarised Version)
100m Freestyle swim

Main Set
4 X 50m head up kicking (Go @ 2 minutes)
4 X 50m head down kicking (Go @ 2 minutes)
6 sets of head down kicking (100% effort for 30 seconds, slow kicking for 30 seconds)

Cool Down
100m Freestyle swim

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